Sunday, September 25, 2011

Pictures from the start of rainy season.

 This is a couple who I met on the nearby island of Samar.  They are working with volunteers Kelly and Gerid Buckshire on a reforestation project in the nearby mountains of Lawaan, Samar.  They're really nice people, and enjoyed showing me their herb garden of ginger, Lemon Grass, and the local fold remedy for everything, Kamalunggay.  (Don't know why there's a line in the picture, please disregard:) )
Siblings playing at the house in the shade.  As I took a walk to a nearby lookout point, these two kids were passing the time just looking around. 
The Rainy season has brought with it blustery weather.  As a typhoon rages through the northern island of Luzon, southern Visayas islands like Leyte glean cool breezes and the occasional deluge of torrential rain.  Taking advantage of the breezes, Aldrick and Angeline, two of the children who live downstairs fly paper airplanes.  When one of the flimsy planes catches a current of air, it sails up and around in circles, causing the kids to exclain with laughter and clap their hands at the show.

 One of the airplanes flys high, with an upsurge of salty ocean air.

 Every September, municipalities across the Philippines join in a worldwide coastal cleanup day where citizens get together and clean their respective beaches and coastal waterways.  This child looks on as people from Barangay District 1, Babatngon walk by, sacks and brooms in hand, to clean their beaches.

Our group of 75 or 100 local residents files by towards the coastal areas to pick up trash.  Most everyone has a broom made of rice stalks with which to sweep trash into piles to be thrown in sacks or burned. 

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