Saturday, July 9, 2011


This is a short post, but something that I found really interesting this week. I was waiting for a meeting, an inspection really, where the Department of Labor and Employment would come out and review our progress on the fish cage project that they're funding. Well, seeing as how we haven't really done much on the fish cage yet, the 'inspection' turned into a halfhearted 10 minutes at the actual site, sitting at the new guard shack, and then 2 hours eating seafood and drinking coconut wine upon our return to town. That's about how 'important-people-visits' go here, not much substance, but way too much eating a drinking. This is something I lamented for 18 months of this experience, but have come to expect as a part of the culture, the way things get done.

Anyways, so I was waiting for the meeting, which, true to form would end up being 2 hours late, and came across this construction site where guys were hoisting cement up on top of the building that was going up, a bucket of liquid concrete at a time. They were using a bamboo system of ropes and pulleys to hoist it all up, and, for me coming from a construction background of boom lifts and skytracks, it was really interesting to get a feel for how things got done before all of our technology was available. I've added some pictures for explanation.

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